Sky Trak 8042

Telehandlers / Telehandlers

SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler: An Overview

The SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler is a versatile machine that can be used for a variety of tasks. It is a powerful and reliable tool for lifting, carrying, and moving materials and equipment. The 8042 is a great choice for construction sites, warehouses, and other industrial applications.


Model Price$134,900
Daily rental price$420
Half day rental price$315
Weekly rental price$1,050
Operating weight (pounds)27100
Maintenance cost per hour$13
Monthly maintenance cost$1,214
Fuel cost per month$0
Hourly fuel consumption (gallons)0
Monthly financing payments (new)$0
Monthly financing payments (used)$0

Most Common Uses

The SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler is most commonly used for lifting and carrying heavy loads. It can lift up to 8,000 pounds and has a maximum lift height of 42 feet. The 8042 is also equipped with a variety of attachments, making it suitable for a variety of tasks. Some of these include bucket work, pallet handling, and material handling.


The SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler has an MSRP of $134,900. For those looking to rent the machine, the daily rate is $420, the half-day rate is $315, and the weekly rate is $1,050.

Operating Weight and Maintenance Costs

The operating weight of the SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler is 27,100 pounds. The estimated monthly maintenance costs for the 8042 are approximately $1,000.

Fuel Costs

The estimated fuel cost for the SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler is approximately $200 per month. The hourly fuel cost estimation is $2.50 per hour.

Similar Models

If you're looking for a similar model to the SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler, there are several other models available. These include the SKY TRAK 8042 Plus, the SKY TRAK 8042 XR, the SKY TRAK 6042, the SKY TRAK 8042 XR Plus, the SKY TRAK 6036, and the SKY TRAK 8042 XRT. You may take a look at this model SKY TRAK 10042


The SKY TRAK 8042 Telehandler is a powerful and reliable machine that can be used for a variety of tasks. It has an MSRP of $134,900 and can lift up to 8,000 pounds. The estimated monthly maintenance costs and fuel costs are approximately $1,000 and $200 per month, respectively. If you're looking for a similar model, there are several other models available, such as the SKY TRAK 8042 Plus, the SKY TRAK 8042 XR, the SKY TRAK 8042 XR Plus, and the SKY TRAK 8042 XRT.

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