Auto Lube
Auto Shift
Ride Control
Weight Monitoring System
Emissions Level - Japan - STEP 4 FINAL
Emissions Level - EPA - EPA TIER 4f
Air Conditioner
Product Link
Engine Enclosures
ROPS - Enclosed
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel
Lift - Standard
Radio - Bluetooth
Boom, GP
Steering Type - Joystick
Engine Model: C13
Gross Power: 426 hp
Net Power: 391 hp
Peak Torque at 1,400 rpm: 1450 lb-ft
Number of Cylinders: 6
Displacement: 763 cu in
Operating Weight: 65622 lb
Fuel Tank Capacity: 127.4 gal
Bucket Capacity Range: 4.2-15.7 yd³
Bucket Pin Height - Maximum Lift: 15.5 ft
Dump Clearance at Maximum Lift: 10.5 ft
Breakout Force: 47762 lb
Static Tipping Load - Full Turn: 43671 lb
Maximum Travel Speed: 23.5 mph
Hydraulic System - Implement Pump: 113 gal/min
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